My argument on how industrial hemp can be effectively and efficiently harnessed to address the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Source: DarbyHemp
What prompted me to create the following content? Well, I visited the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals website and conducted a search for “hemp” because 2019 will be the first year in close to century without federal industrial hemp farming prohibition in America. Truly, a paradigm shift and it couldn’t have happened at a more opportune time in terms of technological resources and applications, environmental change, and socioeconomic challenge.
Here’s the results I was given and this is late 2018, early 2019:

I was floored. I mean shocked to my core, because honestly I wasn’t expecting such a vapid response. Instead, I figured I’d discover free access to all the research demonstrating how industrial hemp could play an invaluable role in achieving every single one of the U.N.’s ambitious goals. Nope. So, to do my part I decided to write this and help spread information.
Bottom Line = The #1 resource we can harness to achieve sustainable growth across all sectors of the human society, from developing to industrialized…is you guessed it, hemp.
Definition for Clarity: When the word ‘hemp’ is used within this article, it’s primarily concerned with male ‘Cannabis’ plant strains or cultivars historically considered fiber or grain-class plants containing minimal intoxicating (winterized, or decarboxylated) THC. Throughout recorded human history male hemp’s been grown for seed, hurd, and fiber. This content will contain zero mention of intoxicant female cannabis with higher THC levels, and limited mention of the more modern female varieties of American ‘hemp’ (post-2018 Farm Bill) with legal levels of THC, cultivated for non-intoxicant cannabinoid (CBD, CBC, CBN, CBG, et al.) flower extracts.
Let’s begin, while as I sit here, I have about $7 USD to my name… (hemp seeds and hearts in the cupboard though).
No poverty
Hemp’s been widely acknowledged for millennia on nearly every continent, as well as by modern peoples across the world today as a superior agricultural crop and sustainable food/energy resource. From national to local levels, substantial percentages of poverty can be swiftly eradicated in three core ways through wide-scale adoption of hemp farming and accompanying industries, which themselves synergize into all other goals:
- Dramatically reducing unsustainable energy & resource-based conflicts planet-wide,
- Increasing access to locally/regionally-grown healthy and nutritious foodstuffs for both humans and livestock; hemp is naturally organic and superior to common crops like corn and soy.
- Establishing a carbon-neutral farming, processing, manufacturing and consumption infrastructure with tremendously positive economic and ecological impacts throughout all layers of human society.
Worldwide Hemp Farming = An End To Dirty-Energy Resource Wars
A prime example could be Afghanistan — the so-called Graveyard of (energy-hungry) Empires and one of the poorest nations. Hemp could easily displace the need for opium, diminish the illegal drugs trade (major cause of regional poverty, where farmers receive tiny percentages of what they should) and be grown throughout the country, enriching the people and helping to minimize the influence/power of radical Islamic factions and invading empires. Efforts in this respect, and the willingness of Afghan farmers to switch to hemp goes back at least a decade[1] in modern times as global demand began rising long before the 2018 Farm Bill in America.
According to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, Afghanistan was sporting a record 328,000 hectares of opium fields (roughly 810,000 acres) in 2017, up 63% compared to 2016 [2]. Simply put, if there were that many hectares of fiber and seed-hemp growing in Afghanistan today it would be a largely more peaceful, productive, and thriving nation, able to feed itself with highly-nutritious hemp seed-based foods, and lift a good portion of its population out of conflict and scarcity. The same could be said for the poverty-stricken populations across Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Hemp can replace not just opium fields in Afghanistan, or tobacco farmland in Kentucky, but the global demand for petroleum, precious minerals, along with the many products made using petrol derivatives. Through adoption of hemp farming on the national and corporate levels in industrialized nations like America, the need for said countries to encroach as they have for centuries into Afghanistan and similar countries would all but disappear.
A second example could be Malawi, another of the world’s poorest nations. In the summer of 2015, hempsters stood before the national assembly to plead for hemp farming. They were laughed and booed at due to a lack of simple agronomic education on the plant. Hemp could grow so well there and create new industries and easily renewable resources. This was two years after British entrepreneur Tanya Clarke established the first company to campaign for the introduction of hemp there. With the U.N.’s help, these kinds of countries could become world hemp-producing players, which was the world’s largest industrial crop until roughly the end of the 19th century and into the 1930s thanks to sheer government malfeasance.
Few things manifested by humanity have done more harm to our people than the Wars ‘Drugs’ and ‘Terrorism’. These two predominantly corporate wars against the people end with each hemp seed planted. Technically, each cannabis seed planted, used, studied, and leveraged. It took decades of faulty propaganda to create our current resource/energy situation, it’s going to take some serious work to undo the harm.
Zero hunger
Hemp is a sustainable and renewable resource capable of providing immense amounts of healthy and nutritious food through its seed/grain — hemp seed protein of varying potencies depending on processing, hemp seed milk, hemp seed oil, hemp hearts, and hemp seed flour. With these, you can make or enrich just about any food from breads and butter, to you name it. The food is well-balanced, safe for human and livestock consumption (improves the nutritional quality of animal products like eggs and milk). This food could be produced at lower cost with greater nutritional benefit, while also providing a resilient crop to be there should other food sources see interruptions due to climate change. Hemp can, simply put, do a great deal in terms of ending global undernourishment and hunger rates.
This is indisputable.
The plant is easy to manage and process into food with minimal machinery outside decorticators.
Building the processing infrastructure for food and textiles, as mentioned in Goal #1, is an invaluable step.
While the nutritional makeup of hemp seeds are no secret and widely accepted across the earth, you can get a great overview from the 2004 study published by J.C. Callaway through the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kuipio, Finland [3] which showed:
Hemp seed typically contains over 30% oil and about 25% protein, with considerable amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
- Over 80% in polyunsaturated fatty acids and an exceptionally rich source of the two essential fatty acids linoleic acid (18:2 omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (18:3 omega-3).
- The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio (n6/n3) in hempseed oil is normally between 2:1 and 3:1, considered to be optimal for human health.
- The biological metabolites of the two EFAs, gamma-linolenic acid (18:3 omega-6; ‘GLA’) and stearidonic acid (18:4 omega-3; ‘SDA’), are also present.
- The two main proteins in hemp seed are edestin and albumin — both high-quality storage proteins easily digested and contain nutritionally significant amounts of all essential amino acids; exceptionally high levels of the amino acid arginine.
For a relatively recent economic outlook on hemp seed production, we can turn to Alberta Canada’s Agriculture & Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch and Food and Bio-processing Branch report from 2015 which showed [4]:
- Their yield was estimated at 1,074 pounds of seed per acre.
- With regards to hemp grown on irrigated land, the average area cropped by a grower was estimated at 133 acres. Their yield was estimated at 1,679 pounds per acre, 56 percent higher compared to dryland.
- Return to equity for dryland and irrigated were also positive at $396 per acre or $0.37 per pound and $748 per acre or 0.4 5 per pound respectively.
Keep in mind these are the numbers at the very dawn of a new hemp-driven agricultural revolution throughout America and Canada. These numbers by 2025–2030 will be quite different.
Each part of the world would have varying outcomes over time depending on the cultivar of hemp used to begin with and selective breeding. The point stands. Not only will hemp feed the host population with viable and nutritious food, but provide an abundance to be traded with neighbors. That’s just the seed, without mentioning how the rest of the biomass can be utilized.
Good health and well-being
Healthier food, an effective plant-based protein to supplant animal protein needs, healthier more sustainable homes, the greenification of the textile industry though harnessing hemp fiber, less unsustainable resource-based wars and increased economic activity all contribute to improved human/animal health and well-being.
There’s no other resource on earth capable of doing more for decreasing childhood mortality than hemp. We could take this one step deeper to include Endocannabinoid Science (ECS) and talk about (female) hemp providing all peoples with non-intoxicant cannabinoid-based herbal supplementation that’s safe, non-toxic, non-addictive, and relatively easy/cost-effective to produce with minimal processing/extraction equipment.
So much of the developing world lacks medical resources that a local hemp farm could supply.
From the stalk and flower, to seed, root and stem, there’s no component of the ‘Green Buffalo’ that doesn’t promote human (and animal) health and well-being, devoid of negative side-effects, psychoactivity, or disastrous environmental impacts relative to conventional resources, or lack thereof.
Quality education
In respect to helping provide quality education to the peoples of earth, a primary benefit of hemp concerns generating and freeing-up economic resources on the local, regional, and national levels. Obviously, at the discretion of nation-states and regional authorities, it could be used to improve education across the board. As an example, consider the fact planting hemp on 6–10% of the continental U.S. for biomass-based energy production would completely displace all need of petroleum-based fuels. When I sit back trying to grasp economic and environmental realities if that were the reality today, the implications on public education are so massive it’s like trying to touch eternity…
Education in the more industrialized sense is honestly a luxury, once the basic necessities have been established and there’s enough peace and security. On the other hand, public government-funded education here in America as we enter 2019 is a disgrace. Look at the budget. Look at the allocation to secure corporate resource-based contracts overseas instead of funding effective modernized education that provides practical and marketable skills.
The U.N. drafted this plan to address the situation we’re in a result of the choices over the last roughly 150 years. Hemp can help us reverse course and get back on track in less than a third of that time with minimal effort on behalf of world organizations like the U.N. and member states.
All nations of the earth are highly advised to immediately legalize and promote male hemp farming for the sake of sentience on planet earth, as well as the peace and stability of our species, that we may walk into the darkness of the universe together, a united kind fueled by plantlife.
It’s going to take serious education and the savings hemp provides will be more than adequate. We have but to peer into our history to percieve the truth.
Gender equality
Hemp in construction, for example hempcrete [5] is a much lighter building material to work with than concrete or steel. However, hemp plant fiber processing after harvesting without the help of machinery like decorticators (a hemp-specific machine originally designed to separate hemp fiber from the core) was considered for millennia to be among the most difficult of human labors. It’s hard work no matter your physical prowess. Therefore, whether we’re talking the Central African Republic or America, there must be a concerted effort to provide populations with the processing machines necessary to improve equality in hemp industries. Compared to the costs of petrol or war, we’re talking mere peanuts.
In the hemp field, in terms of growing the crop, tons of strength isn’t required. In terms of processing fiber and seed, this needs to be done via machinery or the physically strong will utterly dominate in less mechanically-inclined areas due to the immense muscular strength and endurance required. Afterwards, you’ll find equal opportunity in textiles, home/building construction, food production and onward into endless manufacturing jobs comprising thousands of consumer products. The same could be said for extraction centers to provide populations with female-based hemp extracts and (ECS) dietary supplements.
Point is, across the world, we need a revival in hemp process technology to reach every single one of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Clean water and sanitation
Hemp could, DEAD SERIOUS HERE….completely erase the world’s coastlines of ‘Dead Zones’ within a relatively short period of time. These zones are primarily the result petrol-chemical pollution from both inefficient (compared to hemp) agricultural and livestock industries as well as wide-scale human waste. Hemp outperforms soy. It outperforms cotton and wood. It outperforms corn; whether we’re talking food, clothing, fuel, or hemp bioplastics. It’s also common knowledge hemp crops require a far smaller percentage of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers compared to conventional crops. In this respect, we’re not just talking about sustainable growth, but the survival of the human species. Perhaps advanced levels of intelligent life on earth…
- Hemp seed protein would dramatically reduce the need for animal protein! This, in and of itself…wow. If we could reduce the consumption of animal protein globally by 30% and replace it with much healthier hemp seed-based protein by 2030, the environmental (biospheric) and socioeconomic benefits are literally off the charts. I couldn’t even begin to attempt a calculation. Leave that to the left-brainers.
- Hemp seed-based diets would make livestock and human manure/urine more eco-friendly within sewage systems. How much better is impossible for me to say.
- Hemp fiber can ELIMINATE the need for wood and conventional plastic-based anything…again, the implications of wide-scale hemp adoption in terms of cleaner oceans and sanitation are unfathomable.
In terms of general water consumption, according to HempBasics [6],
“Hemp requires 20–30 inches of rainfall during the growing period, and irrigation is necessary if precipitation is less than adequate. Abundant moisture is needed during the germination period. The absorption of water by hemp increases daily until flowering begins. Then the uptake of water decreases considerably, with a subsequent increase occurring at late flowering and during seed formation. In total, 80–130 gallons of water are required to produce 1 kg of dry fiber. Hemp uses twice as much water in light soil than it does in medium soils. There is also a significant correlation between soil moisture and cannabinoid content.”
Is it a miracle drought-resistant crop? Debatable; depending on location and farming infrastructure hemp needs either adequate rainfall (not too much!) or relatively minimal irrigation. In an article published by the Hemp Industry Daily [7], a Colorado State University soil researcher had this to say after analyzing two years of Colorado Hemp production.
“Hemp’s reputation as a good dryland crop — meaning a crop grown without irrigation — isn’t deserved in areas without abundant rainfall…Purdue University’s Hemp Project reports that most varieties of hemp need about 25–30 inches of rain a year, especially in the early weeks of life.”
Granted, and with 21st century climate change things are getting a bit more unpredictable. Hemp’s a hedge for humanity in the 21st century. Lack of irrigation or water solutions for a sustainable crop like hemp isn’t our problem, it’s political and corporate ambition. Let’s consider the amount of debt compiled by 1st and 2nd-world governments in the name of petrol-based corporate or central banking contracts dependent on a petrol-dominated supply chain to realize their profits. If these were hemp-based and the need for unsustainable resources was a fraction of what it is today we’d enjoy…
Affordable and clean energy
Industrial hemp’s primary benefit here is in the carbon-neutral production of hemp seed-based biofuel and biodiesel. Hemp biofuel could fundamentally change the carbon footprint of humanity.
Earlier I shared the little tidbit,
“We would only have to plant hemp on 6–10% of the continental American landmass for biofuel purposes to supply 100% of its energy needs.”
Consider the implications for all life on earth if that were implemented over the span of the next 3–5 years (very achievable). Compound that if a parallel effort were realized in China…India…Africa. How about the Ukrain? This is 100% doable at a SMALL FRACTION of the cost of setting up a solar-based energy infrastructure (prove me wrong).
Presently the only things stopping our species are:
- Lack of public education campaigns.
- Lack of corporate adoption of hemp biomass energy production.
No rational or reasonable argument can be made demonstration hemp energy production isn’t the best option given adequate technology/processing. The benefits of hemp environmentally speaking in terms of sustainability are superior to any other agricultural crop or bio-based commodity known to humanity.
Decent work and economic growth
The hemp supply chain is vast and largely unexplored in the 21st century — wide-scale farming, initial retting, advanced processing and manufacturing into tens of thousands of consumer-based products — not to mention energy production or feeding livestock (as well as lessening the amount of Rain Forest that needs to be cut down for land to grow largely GMO crops food to feed to livestock, which is madness). As already stated by the U.N., 1 manufacturing job equates to roughly 2 in the greater economy, and hemp can provides armies-worth of green manufacturing jobs throughout the developing and industrialized world.
Fiber, seed, hurd, root and flower. If world governments let loose this commodity, the human species will become at least 50–100% more sustainable within less than a decade, while spurring another agricultural revolution. Of course, this doesn’t take into account automation and robotics. Could these two technologies handle the brunt of the supply chain in modernized countries one day? Sure. For developing nations, this reality isn’t as close. Regardless, outside this paradigm, humans can use hemp to create hundreds of millions of jobs and create new layers of global economic activity.
Industries, innovation and infrastructure
The most famous hemp meme is that it can be used to create over 20,000 consumer goods. Thing is, that statement was coined decades ago. What could be done with technology today in industrialized nations is uncharted territory. When hemp farming prohibition was kicking off in America, in 1936 Alan Turning has just published his paper on Computable Networks. We’ve come a long ways since then and that 20k number is likely far higher. And again, the switch from conventional petroleum-based products, wood, plastic, etc., to hemp is going to spawn a brave new world indeed. For developing nations, it would mean an incredibly versatile multi-crop capable of producing homes, clothes, medicine, construction materials, and so forth in the initial stages. Ironically, we’ll see similar developments in America throughout this decade as well, given how slow things are allowed to progress here.
I believe hemp adoption will become the reality globally by 2030 with or without the immense help of the U.N. because it’s the natural unavoidable choice. Hemp’s back, and this time it likely won’t be turned away again. Only in the event of our demise.
Reduced inequalities
Inequality is ripe across the world, both developing and industrialized. For the bottom 40% of the human population, hemp is a lifeline into the future and a buoy in uncertain economic seas. Hemp itself could become a global currency. It’s been so before in its past multiple times. Hemp as a resource empowers people because it’s clean, affordable, easy to harness (with a little help from machines like decorticators), and provides equal opportunity. Can it stop corrupt economic and political forces? No.
But, it can displace and decentralize the current power structures in wood, petroleum, cotton, soy, and livestock industries. Very little about current income inequality today on earth is a natural result of free market economics. Perhaps none. In my mind, hemp is homeostasis for society, as much as it is within the human ECS.
Sustaninable cities and communities
The #1 player in this respect is hempcrete, and I’ll just say outright there’s no telling what could be done with hempcrete using modern technology. It’s hemp hurd mixed with water and lime. Thanks to the unique chemical composition and strength of hemp, over time it petrifies as the lime turns to stone. It requires no mining of precious earth materials, hemp is easily renewable, and provides a tremendous amount of pulp for this use.
It’s been commonly known for decades that one acre of hemp provides as much pulp as 4.1 acres of trees, roughly. Yet, you can harvest hemp 3 to 4 times a year in perpetuity. Also, through the use of lime we can dramatically lower the CO2 release compared to conventional cement.
According to the U.S. National Hemp Association [8],
- One residence incorporating hempcrete saves 5,000 to 10,000 lbs of CO2 emissions.
- Hempcrete is non-toxic and requires no off-gassing.
- No solvents needed.
- Naturally mold resistant with high vapor permeability — natural humidity control.
- Durable, sustainable carbon sequestration.
- Naturally fire and pest resistant.
Due to how long it takes to cure, hemp’s not suitable in most cases for any load-bearing walls. However, this challenge is easily met through the use of hempcrete bricks — lighter than typical cinder blocks and lasts for centuries. So, without taking anything else about the adoption of the plant into account, hempcrete alone would make all cities and communities healthier, cleaner, and far more sustainable.
Responsible consumption and production
Responsible consumption starts with hemp. Consider the transformative impacts on the food and clothing supply. How about hemp being used to fuel our societies. What if we decided just to make car tires primarily out of hemp? That one thing alone would have a gargantuan impact on the earth and our societies. Imagine if all the metal and plastic garbage in landfills were primarily made of biodegradable hemp?
Hemp halves out economic, environmental, and social costs with widespread adoption of major consumer and industrial markets. As I sit here in my apartment, I’m aware that roughly 80% of everything surrounding me, from the paint on the paintings and walls, to the wall themselves, the cars in the parking lot below, my clothes, food, dishware, and the energy fueling my warmth could be adequately provided through this plant while providing a positive impact on all levels of life.
Hemp product as well, from the seed and stalk, to flower-based concentrates, can easily be done through carbon-neutral and eco-friendly means. This is already being done on a small scale across the world.
Climate action
There is no more powerful step humanity can take to tackle climate change than to leverage the hemp crop. I challenge anyone to find fault in that statement. Will there be challenges in the implementation? Of course, but they pale in comparison to what’s been done to accommodate the dominant industries of today.
If hemp isn’t something expressly discussed during the Climate Summit in September 2019, this will be an epic tragedy. Please, don’t fail the force of life on this planet. All the truths I’ve mentioned so far are self-evident. Life NEEDS the established order to make the highest or moral decisions and adopt hemp farming in nations spanning the globe before it’s too late. Hemp is our resilience. Hemp doesn’t have to displace the biggest CO2 emitters, it’s as much their salvation as my young daughter’s!
Life below water
When we combine the positive impacts of the hemp supply chain we see far less need for fish protein or fish oil aminos, a revival along our coastlines, less plastic in our oceans, and less usage of petroleum. Let’s address the primary causes of ocean pollution from GreenLiving and Ecologist Vijayalaxmi Kinhal [9].
- Acidification: hemp will dramatically reduce both the amount of human-released CO2 into the atmosphere, as well as the amount of harmful contaminants we leak into the ocean via agriculture like cotton, the loss of forests, diminishment of top-soil, the livestock industry and agriculture in general.
- Trash: Hemp displaces plastic and timber. What else needs to be said here?
- Ocean Noise: I can’t say whether a thriving global hemp industry would lessen the amount of global trade-ship traffic and therefore ocean noise pollution. Although, to be honest, an established domestic industry would supply most textile, construction, food, and energy needs. So, logic would dictate that the amount of international trade could be reduced.
- Offshore Drilling: Hemp displaces petroleum energy and derivative products. Fact.
- Sewage: First of all, we can start making all of our toilets with hemp to make them more eco-friendly. Secondly, I myself only use plant-based soaps, detergents, and house cleaning products (often coming in wood-based paper or petroleum plastic containers…). Hemp’s the answer here. Pet food? You kidding? We should immediately start filling cat and dog food with hemp nutrients to give them longer healthier lives (not to mention more eco-friendly feces and urine).
Life on land
By now, my goodness, if a greener more inspiring future isn’t developing through our discussion then I’m utterly failing here. And to be frank, I’m getting impatient and really want to publish this. So let’s just consider goal #15 a quickie.
Earth’s Forests: We’ve known for close to a century we don’t need to use trees if hemp is harnessed. This is nothing new or novel. Sadly, it was front-page Popular Mechanics news just before the classical hemp prohibition began. No one needs to lose their job, they’ll just be involved in growing and chopping down different plants.
Soil Reclamation: Another old school hemp meme that’s been around since my grandfather’s youth is how it’s been effectively used to clean up polluted soil. Chernobyl is always mentioned in hemp literature on this subject. Hemp is second only to flax when it comes to bio-accumulation in fiber crops. Initial waves of hemp crops can be used to completely turn farming soil around, and then turned into biofuel as it wouldn’t be suitable for human or animal consumption. Hemp heals the earth.
Illicit Poaching: Can this plant help quench the thirst of <not sure what word to use here> humans who want to feast upon rare species? No. Unfortunately, that is one of the few solutions hemp can’t provide.
Biodiversity Support: There is no other resource which can help preserve more terrestrial ecosystems, general biodiversity, and vegetation than hemp. Prove me wrong. Not to challenge you to prove a negative, because in my mind you’d soon find that hemp is the winner in most respects, but in all respects when it comes to a plant-based resource over the long term and through mass adoption across all silos of society.
In 2016, bilateral ODA (Official Development Assistant) in support of biodiversity totalled $7 billion. Bravo. If you devote the same amount to the adoption of hemp through the earth you’ll see at least a 10–20% increase in positive impact over the span of the first 5 years.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Peace and Justice. Sigh…I just turned 39 recently and those are two rather foreign concepts to me. Honestly, as an American, I live in a country that locks up more people than most other countries in the world combined — including local jails, state and federal prisons and jails. The War on Drugs and Terror compromise essentially my entire life. Everyday I feel like feds could show up to get me for odious non-representative debt. That’s my situation as an American of English decent (4th or 5th generation American), but in 2018, according to a Prison Policy Organization, 1 in 5 people are locked up for a drug offense. Other stats put it closer to 1 in 2. Then again, half of the people in the larger correctional system are on probation [11].
If I were given the chance by the president, I’d personally oversee an initiative to release minor drug ‘offenders’ from prison and put them to work along all sectors of the emerging American hemp industry immediately! I’d also create hemp education programs for everyone, especially at-risk youth around how hemp can be used to day-by-day build a better future for all intelligent life on earth!
- Hemp Argonomics and Farming.
- Hemp Fiber Applications in the Automotive Industry.
- Hemp Biofuel Applications throughout Human Society.
- Hemp Business Entrepreneurship.
- Hemp Medicine and Cannabinoid-Based Science.
- Hemp Fiber Applications in Residential and Commercial Construction.
- Hemp Food, Nutrition, and Herbal Supplementation.
- Hemp Bioplastic Applications.
- Hemp as part of Societal Digital Transformation Technologies…
- Hemp Musical Instruments and Spaceship Components God-Blessit!
Once again I admonish, hempen-human history speaks. I’m just one of a historical-gauntlet of human souls protesting, beseeching, and begging the collective mind to embrace truth over the last 85’ish years and bend establishment will. To brush away the nonsense propaganda, and come on folks, we can all live high on the hemp-saddled horse if we work together.
Partnerships fpr the goals
Farmers and entrepreneurs, startups, corporations, politicians, NGOs, and local co-ops…everyone benefits from hemp, you’ll see. Could someone, for the love of all that’s righteous and holy about Hollywood produce a modern hemp movie? Historical drama…Action & Adventure? Nothing comedic… perhaps animated. Pixar, Disney, hey, DreamWorks…I’m looking at you. I’ll help. Just pay for lodging and entertainment, umm, I wanna enjoy a glass of hemp milk with Robert Downey Jr. so we can chat about adoption of hemp in his upcoming mind-blowing blockbuster… And someone call Elon, cause yeah, he could easily be hempified…Bezos, Branson,
Tesla should be incorporating hemp into their design… wait, quick Google-fact-check.
Wrapping Up
What can I say, I just want to get this published and hopefully inspire a few souls involved with the U.N. to lead the charge. Most everything I’ve shared, again, isn’t some new revelation. Cannabis-hemp has been alongside humanity for tens of thousands of years… from the perspective of the ECS, throughout the entirety of our evolution. Our ECS began developing over 600 million moons into the past. The cannabis species, as far as we can tell for now [12] came about roughly 30 million years ago.
Note: There’s honestly no need to bog down this process with bureaucratic nonsense. Yes, everything I’ve stated is factually true. Yes, hemp is great for humans, animals, and the earth’s ecosystems. If the U.N. is feeling the urgency, let’s expedite some paperwork, shall we?
[1] “Afghan opium production jumps to record level, up 87 per cent: Survey”United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 11/2017.
[2] “Afghan Farmers Turn to Cannabis as Cash Crop” NPR, Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson, 02/25/2008.
[3] “Hempseed as a nutritional resource: An overview” J.C. Callaway, Euphytica, 01/2004, Valume 140, Issue 1–2, pp 65–72.
[4] “Industrial Hemp Seed Production Costs and Returns in Alberta 2015”, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Prepared by Emmanual Anum Laate.
[5] Hempcrete Wikipedia page.
[6] “Hemp Husbandry” Robert A. Nelson, Internet Edition 2000, Hemp Basics.
[7] “Myth-busting: Hemp needs more water than many think” Hemp Industry Daily, 05/07/2018.
[8] “Some Interesting Facts About Hempcrete As a Building Material” National Hemp Association, 03/30/2016.
[9] “Types of Ocean Pollution” Vijayalaxmi Kinhal, Green Living, Environmental Issues.
[10] “Bio-accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in fibre crops (flax, cotton and hemp)” V Angelova, R. Invanova, V Delibaltova, K. Ivanov, Dept. of Plant Science, University of Agriculture, Bulgaria.
[11] “Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2018” Peter Wagner and Wendy Sawyer, Prison Policy Initiative, 03/14/2018.
[12] “How Old Is Your Endocannabinoid System” Damien Darby, DarbyHemp, 12/26/2018.